Tuesday, June 16, 2015

so. i'm posting lots? haha nope.

So this is like my second apology post, but I literally have posted one video since I made that blog post. I'm clearly super active, right? Nope. Because I suck at keeping deadlines for myself. However, I have posted a lot(comparatively) on my Instagram! You can find me over there @agrandomness


I'm now out of school for the summer, so I should probably be able to post a lot more frequently! I'd also like to thank you all for 560 subscribers! That's amazing, especially considering how inactive I've been, and I hope that number continues to rise!

Thank you guys!


Monday, January 26, 2015


So, uh hi there. REALLY long time no post! Anyways, this is just a quick update to say that I will be posting on this blog more often. At least once a month, probably more like every other week on Saturday or Sunday. I will also be putting up more YouTube videos on my account, AGRandomness, and on my Instagram, agrandomness. I should also be posting an all my dolls page on this blog as well.

Also, 555 subscribers is freaking AWESOME.

~ Sarah :)

ps like my new header? ;)